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Poor Man's T-SQL Formatter #Download #Install


by A+티스토리 2021. 7. 8. 09:45









  • Notepad++ plugin: It's recommended to use the Notepad++ plugin manager if available (Notepad++ is an amazing free GPL-licensed text editor, available at notepad-plus-plus.org; it has a very rich plugin community available. Historically this was accessed through the "Plugin Manager" plugin, but this is no longer installed by default. The new Plugin -> Admin feature doesn't yet support Poor Man's T-SQL Formatter, but should soon).
    • If you need to install the plugin manually, you can get it from here: SqlFormatterNppPlugin.1.6.13.zip (11772 downloads for the latest version, about 410000 for previous versions).
      • For Notepad++ 7.5.9 and earlier, unzip the entire contents of the ZIP file (1 DLL + 1 folder containing other DLLs and stuff) into your Notepad++ install folder's "plugins" subfolder, eg "C:\Program Files\Notepad++\plugins".
      • For Notepad++ 7.6 to 7.6.2, upgrade. These versions had inconsistent plugin-loading folders (flip-flopping all over the place).
      • For Notepad++ 7.6.3 and later, if properly installed via installer, create a new folder called "PoorMansTSqlFormatterNppPlugin" in your Notepad++ install folder's "plugins" subfolder, eg "C:\Program Files\Notepad++\plugins\PoorMansTSqlFormatterNppPlugin", and unzip the entire contents of the ZIP file (1 DLL + 1 folder containing other DLLs and stuff) into this new subfolder. It's almost the same as before 7.6, except now the contents of the ZIP file ned to be in a correctly-named subfolder, not directly in the plugins folder.
        • If you've got a "portable" Notepad++ setup, then the old approach (unzip the entire contents of the ZIP file (1 DLL + 1 folder containing other DLLs and stuff) into your Notepad++ install folder's "plugins" subfolder) should still be the right thing.
      • If you get an error about the plugin not supporting unicode, then the wrong DLL is in the plugins folder, simply delete the incorrect DLLs and start again (please contact me for help if you have any issues with this).
    • 64-bit version : SqlFormatterNppPlugin.x64.1.6.13.zip (8189 downloads for the latest version, about 4350 for previous versions)






Compiled Library to use in other GPL/AGPL projects or internal non-distributed projects:

JS Library to use in other GPL/AGPL projects or internal non-distributed projects:



출처: http://architectshack.com/PoorMansTSqlFormatter.ashx#Download_5


Poor Man's T-SQL Formatter - Architect Shack

Overview This is a free and open-source SQL (T-SQL) formatter: Handles complete multi-batch scripts, including object definition scripts such as stored procedures, triggers, etc.Provides formatting options to cater to different common formatting styles/sta




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